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Koi Quest Storyline contest.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Rebsingh Sun Oct 03, 2010 5:39 pm

You know how the Fox quest has a storyline? And the serpent one? And the Lion turtle one? Well I need one for the Koi quest.

The beginning is going to the koi quest link on the map and having an ice berg there that is unbreakable. But due to the Otter Bears amazing water bending skills, they can break it. That is what I have so far. (Not even FIRE can melt the ice!)

Lets see what you got! Wink

Oh yes, and the ending has to be like: The Chief of the Ancient Water Warriors guides you to the middle of the ice berg where he beckons you to take one of two eggs. Which do you choose?

So there MUST be an Ancient Civilization for this. Like the Sun Warriors. XD What can you come up with?

Winner gets 15,000 GP!!!

You can enter by just posting your storyline as a reply. The Winner will be PMed and the story line will be implented within the week. The contest will end on Tuesday, 10-05-10, at 12:00 A.M. Midnight.

Last edited by Rebsingh on Tue Oct 12, 2010 6:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Satyr76 Sun Oct 03, 2010 6:23 pm

After days of traveling on your faithful Otter Bear, you come across the fabled glacier of the North Pole, said to be melted only by the strongest waterbending. As you look at the full moon, your Otter Bear stares at the at the glacier and raises a paw. A small crack appears. You watch, stunned, as the crack becomes larger, and soon, a thick layer of glacier is gone, revealing it to be hollow. Three men walk out to see you, each wearing white coats. The man in the middle says, "Hello. We are the Brothers of the Ice. We live in this glacier to keep the poles cold, and to give the Moon and Ocean spirits energy. Unfortunately, an artifact, called the Moon Pendant, that was vital to the spirits' survival was lost when a tsunami hit the glacier. We believe that the artifact has formed another glacier, far away from here. If you find it, peace will be sustained. But if not, the Moon and Ocean will perissh. Please find it for us." As you nod your head, the glacier closes, and you ride off on your Otter Bear.

After you find the artifact...

You return to the glacier to find that it is already opened, the Brothers of the Moon waiting for you. You hand the man in the middle the artifact. As he puts it on, he says, "You have shown great courage in retrieving this artifact for us."

You see that each man on the side is holding an egg. One is black with a white dot, while the other is white with a black dot.

The man continues, "As a token of our gratitude, choose one of these eggs for you to take to your zoo."

(Pick egg here)

As you take the egg, the glacier closes once more.

If you choose this, feel free to edit or shorten it in any way.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Rebsingh Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:53 pm

Satyr76 wrote:After days of traveling on your faithful Otter Bear, you come across the fabled glacier of the North Pole, said to be melted only by the strongest waterbending. As you look at the full moon, your Otter Bear stares at the at the glacier and raises a paw. A small crack appears. You watch, stunned, as the crack becomes larger, and soon, a thick layer of glacier is gone, revealing it to be hollow. Three men walk out to see you, each wearing white coats. The man in the middle says, "Hello. We are the Brothers of the Ice. We live in this glacier to keep the poles cold, and to give the Moon and Ocean spirits energy. Unfortunately, an artifact, called the Moon Pendant, that was vital to the spirits' survival was lost when a tsunami hit the glacier. We believe that the artifact has formed another glacier, far away from here. If you find it, peace will be sustained. But if not, the Moon and Ocean will perissh. Please find it for us." As you nod your head, the glacier closes, and you ride off on your Otter Bear.

After you find the artifact...
I love it. Smile Lets wait till tomorrow, and if none are entered, I will use this. I love it SO MUCH.

You return to the glacier to find that it is already opened, the Brothers of the Moon waiting for you. You hand the man in the middle the artifact. As he puts it on, he says, "You have shown great courage in retrieving this artifact for us."

You see that each man on the side is holding an egg. One is black with a white dot, while the other is white with a black dot.

The man continues, "As a token of our gratitude, choose one of these eggs for you to take to your zoo."

(Pick egg here)

As you take the egg, the glacier closes once more.

If you choose this, feel free to edit or shorten it in any way.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 7:58 pm

After several days playing with your adult Otterbear, you decide it's time to explore the seas. Unfortunately, your Otterbear starts to act strange in the ocean, as if something was calling it. A few hours later, you see something on the horizon--something bluish-white. You wonder for a minute what it is...

*options to go there or return to your zoo or something*

The Otterbear climbs out of the water and you get off it to give it a good lecture on behavior, when you suddenly realize that you aren't familiar with this land. Looking around, you find that it is a huge glacier--not at all like the Water Nation you have known. Your Otterbear starts to make sounds and you hear something moving towards you, but you don't know what.

"Hello," a quiet voice says and you whirl around to find a young man with an Otterbear. He is accompanied by two other teams of men and Otterbear. They are wearing strange blue-white coats with unidentifiable furs on the inside and you begin to wonder where you really landed in. "I am a Water Warrior and we are requesting your help," the man says. You notice he has a worried look in his pale blue eyes.

"Um... What kind of help are you looking for?" you ask as your Otterbear and the other Otterbears greet each other.

"I am the son of Hein, who is the Chief of the Water Warriors," the man says. "My name is Yu. Some time ago, a storm hit our home, this glacier-" he waves his hand at the gigantic wall of ice "-and we don't know what happened, but a very sacred ornament was taken-or lost-in the storm. You see, we wanted to appeal to the Spirits of the Moon and the Koi to ask about the future and blessings for newlyweds and newborn children," Yu explains. "And that artifact is a gift of the Koi. We have the other, safely hidden, but without the two, we cannot perform the ritual." The other two men have already caught up to Yu.

"Ever since the Pendant of the Koi was stolen, we used our Otterbears to call out to fisherman and other Otterbears so they could help us," the second man, who seems older than Yu, says. "And it was because of the delayed ritual that we had that awful storm..." His voice trails off.

"I-I'll help you guys," you say, sympathizing for them. "Do you have an idea where the Pendant is?" you ask.

"We have no idea, but I suggest seeking the Serpent in Serpent's Pass, first," Yu says. "Our first suspects are those that can swim underwater. We have known for some time that the Serpent is a hoarder and can use telepathy to speak to humans." You nod and call to your Otterbear. "I wish you luck!" Yu calls out as you drift off into the ocean.

*at Serpent's Pass*

"Who dares to trespass my domain?" hisses a voice in your head. Your Otterbear and yourself had already gone to land. The Serpent's head is above the water, looking down on you. You face the beast with bravery.

"It is I, the one who has found your egg," you call out. "Your infant is doing fine. I say that it has grown to be as large and healthy as you are!" The Serpent's tongue flicks out and lowers itself to your level.

"Ah, so it is you," it says. "What do you want? I am still in your favor."

"Some time ago, a glacier containing the Water Warriors was hit by a storm," you begin. "During the storm, a Pendant of theirs went missing. Do you know where it is? All I seek is information and the Pendant, if you are the one who took it." The Serpent raises its head and shakes it, large drops of water hitting you and your Otterbear.

"I know about the storm, but not about the Pendant. Last week, I saw something pretty float through the waters, heading for the Earth Kingdom. Go across to the place near the mountains and you may find it." You thank the Serpent and set out once again.

*go to the Island, purchase a map, or just go across to the land across the Pass... Find the artifact, go back to the people*

Your Otterbear knows the way back to the glacier and when you were beached on it, Yu and someone older than his friend are there. You suspect it is Yu's father, the Chief of the Water Warriors. You run towards them, holding the Pendant.

"I've found it!" you shout. The Chief smiles and holds out his hands. You gently place the Pendant of the Koi in them. "The Serpent helped me find it," you explain.

"That's great! Thank you!" Yu says. "We can't thank you enough... Father-I mean, Chief, how do we thank this person?" The Chief beckons to his son and to you. he turns around and walks into a hole in the glacier that was formed earlier. You wonder how you missed it the first time you landed here. As the three of you walk down the eerily translucent halls of the glacier, the Chief begins to tell a tale.

"The Water Warriors are an ancient people. Our forefathers decided to separate from the Water Nation, which slowly lost its ways. We preserved it, as you can see. The Moon and the Koi Spirits were grateful for our preserving their ways for life and granted us the two Pendants. We were to ask them for help when times were tough, to ask for blessings for any good occasions. They, in turn, gave their blessings and omens, warnings of future disasters and so on. But we ourselves became busy, too. We delayed the rituals for imported fish and money from our works. They became angry and would punish us with storms."

The Chief pauses in his story as you see another hole. He goes through and you follow. Yu is no where to be seen. A spectacular sight meets your eyes: a cavern with three pools of water. The middle was the largest and you step forward to peer into its waters.

"Once we lost the Pendant of the Koi did we begin to realize how important it was for us to keep the rituals," the Chief says. He places the Pendant into a hole within the pool of water, and suddenly, the pool is brightened and sparkles. You gasp. When you turn to ask the Chief about it, you see Yu standing next to the Chief, whose hands holds two mysterious objects.

"We cannot thank you enough," Yu repeats. "So please, take one of the koi eggs." You see an egg that is white with a black dot on it, while the other is black with a white dot on it. "You can choose which you want."

Which do you choose?

*choose egg*

"Thank you again, young one," the Chief says. "You are a friend of the Ancient Water Warriors, and are always welcome to return. Take good care of the egg." Yu rushes out of the glacier to see you off. As your Otterbear slides into the water, the Chief adds, "Farewell, friend. until we meet again." And you and your Otterbear swim home.

Oh gosh. You can do anything with this xD

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Location : In your kitchen, stealing your cookies. Hurhurhur.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Rebsingh Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:05 pm

KonayukiSpirit wrote:After several days playing with your adult Otterbear, you decide it's time to explore the seas. Unfortunately, your Otterbear starts to act strange in the ocean, as if something was calling it. A few hours later, you see something on the horizon--something bluish-white. You wonder for a minute what it is...

*options to go there or return to your zoo or something*

The Otterbear climbs out of the water and you get off it to give it a good lecture on behavior, when you suddenly realize that you aren't familiar with this land. Looking around, you find that it is a huge glacier--not at all like the Water Nation you have known. Your Otterbear starts to make sounds and you hear something moving towards you, but you don't know what.

"Hello," a quiet voice says and you whirl around to find a young man with an Otterbear. He is accompanied by two other teams of men and Otterbear. They are wearing strange blue-white coats with unidentifiable furs on the inside and you begin to wonder where you really landed in. "I am a Water Warrior and we are requesting your help," the man says. You notice he has a worried look in his pale blue eyes.

"Um... What kind of help are you looking for?" you ask as your Otterbear and the other Otterbears greet each other.

"I am the son of Hein, who is the Chief of the Water Warriors," the man says. "My name is Yu. Some time ago, a storm hit our home, this glacier-" he waves his hand at the gigantic wall of ice "-and we don't know what happened, but a very sacred ornament was taken-or lost-in the storm. You see, we wanted to appeal to the Spirits of the Moon and the Koi to ask about the future and blessings for newlyweds and newborn children," Yu explains. "And that artifact is a gift of the Koi. We have the other, safely hidden, but without the two, we cannot perform the ritual." The other two men have already caught up to Yu.

"Ever since the Pendant of the Koi was stolen, we used our Otterbears to call out to fisherman and other Otterbears so they could help us," the second man, who seems older than Yu, says. "And it was because of the delayed ritual that we had that awful storm..." His voice trails off.

"I-I'll help you guys," you say, sympathizing for them. "Do you have an idea where the Pendant is?" you ask.

"We have no idea, but I suggest seeking the Serpent in Serpent's Pass, first," Yu says. "Our first suspects are those that can swim underwater. We have known for some time that the Serpent is a hoarder and can use telepathy to speak to humans." You nod and call to your Otterbear. "I wish you luck!" Yu calls out as you drift off into the ocean.

*at Serpent's Pass*

"Who dares to trespass my domain?" hisses a voice in your head. Your Otterbear and yourself had already gone to land. The Serpent's head is above the water, looking down on you. You face the beast with bravery.

"It is I, the one who has found your egg," you call out. "Your infant is doing fine. I say that it has grown to be as large and healthy as you are!" The Serpent's tongue flicks out and lowers itself to your level.

"Ah, so it is you," it says. "What do you want? I am still in your favor."

"Some time ago, a glacier containing the Water Warriors was hit by a storm," you begin. "During the storm, a Pendant of theirs went missing. Do you know where it is? All I seek is information and the Pendant, if you are the one who took it." The Serpent raises its head and shakes it, large drops of water hitting you and your Otterbear.

"I know about the storm, but not about the Pendant. Last week, I saw something pretty float through the waters, heading for the Earth Kingdom. Go across to the place near the mountains and you may find it." You thank the Serpent and set out once again.

*go to the Island, purchase a map, or just go across to the land across the Pass... Find the artifact, go back to the people*

Your Otterbear knows the way back to the glacier and when you were beached on it, Yu and someone older than his friend are there. You suspect it is Yu's father, the Chief of the Water Warriors. You run towards them, holding the Pendant.

"I've found it!" you shout. The Chief smiles and holds out his hands. You gently place the Pendant of the Koi in them. "The Serpent helped me find it," you explain.

"That's great! Thank you!" Yu says. "We can't thank you enough... Father-I mean, Chief, how do we thank this person?" The Chief beckons to his son and to you. he turns around and walks into a hole in the glacier that was formed earlier. You wonder how you missed it the first time you landed here. As the three of you walk down the eerily translucent halls of the glacier, the Chief begins to tell a tale.

"The Water Warriors are an ancient people. Our forefathers decided to separate from the Water Nation, which slowly lost its ways. We preserved it, as you can see. The Moon and the Koi Spirits were grateful for our preserving their ways for life and granted us the two Pendants. We were to ask them for help when times were tough, to ask for blessings for any good occasions. They, in turn, gave their blessings and omens, warnings of future disasters and so on. But we ourselves became busy, too. We delayed the rituals for imported fish and money from our works. They became angry and would punish us with storms."

The Chief pauses in his story as you see another hole. He goes through and you follow. Yu is no where to be seen. A spectacular sight meets your eyes: a cavern with three pools of water. The middle was the largest and you step forward to peer into its waters.

"Once we lost the Pendant of the Koi did we begin to realize how important it was for us to keep the rituals," the Chief says. He places the Pendant into a hole within the pool of water, and suddenly, the pool is brightened and sparkles. You gasp. When you turn to ask the Chief about it, you see Yu standing next to the Chief, whose hands holds two mysterious objects.

"We cannot thank you enough," Yu repeats. "So please, take one of the koi eggs." You see an egg that is white with a black dot on it, while the other is black with a white dot on it. "You can choose which you want."

Which do you choose?

*choose egg*

"Thank you again, young one," the Chief says. "You are a friend of the Ancient Water Warriors, and are always welcome to return. Take good care of the egg." Yu rushes out of the glacier to see you off. As your Otterbear slides into the water, the Chief adds, "Farewell, friend. until we meet again." And you and your Otterbear swim home.

Oh gosh. You can do anything with this xD
I love this even more. affraid

You win. FOr now. Very Happy I'll add the quest in today before I go to sleep (Or I'll try). You definitely win. I don't think anyone can top this.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:06 pm

It took a while xD ^^; I'm sure tehre's someone who can top mine's. I do like Satyr's, since mine's seem too long. xD I wanted to involve a Library Fox, but thought it was impossible since the library is destroyed or something...


Wait, it isn't. DDDD: Oh well.

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Location : In your kitchen, stealing your cookies. Hurhurhur.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Mineya Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:18 pm

Reb, I sincerely hope you aren't going to just not give anyone else a chance to enter the contest. Shocked

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  PhazonDragon Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:33 pm

... That... was fast?
I was planning on entering, but I just noticed the deadline, and that's way too close for me to try. So I'll just sit this one out.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Mineya Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:34 pm

PhazonDragon wrote:... That... was fast?
I was planning on entering, but I just noticed the deadline, and that's way too close for me to try. So I'll just sit this one out.

I'm sure Reb was just joking, and wouldn't blow off everyone else who wanted to enter.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  PhazonDragon Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:41 pm

Mineya wrote:
PhazonDragon wrote:... That... was fast?
I was planning on entering, but I just noticed the deadline, and that's way too close for me to try. So I'll just sit this one out.

I'm sure Reb was just joking, and wouldn't blow off everyone else who wanted to enter.
No, it's not that, and I assumed he was joking as well. I mean the deadline is this Tuesday. That's only 2 days to work on it... It feels rushed to me, so I don't want to spend time on something that I probably wouldn't finish in time, thus would only result in me falling behind in like.. schoolwork or something.. -shrugs-

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Mineya Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:42 pm

Oh, that's a shame. It sounds like you would have put a lot of thought into it, and I personally would have liked to see the results. Maybe next time. :<

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Dragonhatchling Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:56 pm

PhazonDragon wrote:
Mineya wrote:
PhazonDragon wrote:... That... was fast?
I was planning on entering, but I just noticed the deadline, and that's way too close for me to try. So I'll just sit this one out.

I'm sure Reb was just joking, and wouldn't blow off everyone else who wanted to enter.
No, it's not that, and I assumed he was joking as well. I mean the deadline is this Tuesday. That's only 2 days to work on it... It feels rushed to me, so I don't want to spend time on something that I probably wouldn't finish in time, thus would only result in me falling behind in like.. schoolwork or something.. -shrugs-

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Rebsingh Sun Oct 03, 2010 8:56 pm

Come on guys, just submit yours. XD A deadline is a deadline. I won't put it before. Razz You all still have a chance.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Satyr76 Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:04 pm

KonayukiSpirit wrote:It took a while xD ^^; I'm sure tehre's someone who can top mine's. I do like Satyr's, since mine's seem too long. xD I wanted to involve a Library Fox, but thought it was impossible since the library is destroyed or something...


Wait, it isn't. DDDD: Oh well.
I find it ironic that I thought mine was too long. XD

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  frozendreams Sun Oct 03, 2010 9:45 pm

I like both stories, Satyr76's story could use a small fix though the one part says 'at the' twice for the part when the otter bear is breaking the ice.


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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:08 pm

Satyr76 wrote:
KonayukiSpirit wrote:It took a while xD ^^; I'm sure tehre's someone who can top mine's. I do like Satyr's, since mine's seem too long. xD I wanted to involve a Library Fox, but thought it was impossible since the library is destroyed or something...


Wait, it isn't. DDDD: Oh well.
I find it ironic that I thought mine was too long. XD

xD I tried rereading mine's to check for typos and shtuff, but I quit a fourth through. ._____. I was planning on involving A LOT more places, like the library, desert, a hidden spot in the ocean, the BM, AI... ._____. Heh. xD

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Location : In your kitchen, stealing your cookies. Hurhurhur.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Dragonhatchling Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:22 pm

You and your Otter Bear have decided to go practice your water bending skills. You came up with the idea to practice where no one else would be so you both could have the greatest concentration possible. You ask your Otter Bear if it likes this idea and it promptly nuzzles you as a yes. Together you set out to find a quiet place to practice but first you buy a map so you won't get lost.

*purchase map to the vast open sea*

After finding a large unoccupied island close to your home island your Otter Bear stops, signaling it has found the perfect place to practice. After helping your Otter Bear with its water bending for quite some time you decide it is time to take the opposite way you came to get home in hopes of seeing the sunset on the sea.

While on your way home a large storm appears out of nowhere. Your Otter Bear swims faithfully through, making sure you are still on its back. After a long while your Otter Bear stops, seeming to be in a trance. The storm still rages around you, wind howling with snow all around. You barely make out the full moon in the sky and notice your Otter Bear is starring intently at it. You urge your Otter Bear on, knowing if you don’t get out of the storm soon you will be lost at sea until it passes.

The storm thins out as a large mass of ice is seen farther up ahead. It looks like home and your Otter Bear begins to swim faster. The moon shines majestically out on the water, illuminating the large mass of ice. As you get closer the ice seemingly begins to glow and before you know it you have swam to a small outcrop of land.

Your Otter Bear climbs up slowly, careful to keep you on its back. Once completely on land you hop off your Otter Bear and take a good look around. There’s sea all around you but no other land for miles. The full moon is high above your head, shining much brighter than before. Time seems to be still because of the bright full moon. But where are you anyway?

“Young traveler, you’ve come far.” A voice comes from ahead of you. You make out a five shapes that look like humans but they were much bigger than a normal human. Your Otter Bear watches the shapes get closer and you realize that they are not only humans but each also has an Otter Bear with them. The man in front smiles kindly at you, his Otter Bear watching yours. “You probably would like to know where you are.” He says kindly, patting his Otter Bear’s head.

You nod, seeing the other men walk up behind the man speaking. The man turns around and starts walking toward what you saw before- the large mass of ice turned out to be part of this island. You follow the man, learning his name actually is Kesh and the men around you are part of an ancient society to protect the Koi Gods, Tui, the Moon Spirit and La, the Ocean Spirit.

“We call ourselves Leiu Ieas. We welcome you to our land in hopes you can help us.” Kesh said as you walked toward the mass of ice. You notice it is completely sealed but before you can wonder how anyone could get through this the Otter Bears walk up to it. You watch your Otter Bear walk up further than the rest, resting a paw on the ice. It stepped back and all the Otter Bears worked in unison. The ice parted to reveal a large tunnel leading back as far as you could see. “Come.” Kesh said; first to walk in.
Each Otter Bear fell in behind their owner, yours walking next to you.

You listen to Kesh as he tells of two artifacts needed to recover the health of the Moon and Ocean Spirit. He tells you of a very light pearl that is needed as well as pendent, each equally important. He tells you that both artifacts are lost at sea and are extremely fragile. You listen quietly as he finishes.

Kesh stopped walking soon after his explanation was done, letting his Otter Bear reveal the passage downward. You follow Kesh down a set of stairs into a cavern. The cavern was a huge place; one large pool was located in the middle as was two small shrines on either side.

A small bridge of ice connected the area you stood on to the land around the shrines and pool; the rest was filled with blue water. “This, this is were Tui and La now reside.” Kesh said, leading only you down the path. In the pool was a large white koi with a black dot on its head and a large black koi with a white dot on its head. The white one you knew was Tui and the black was La. Kesh walked over to the shrine on the left, urging you over as well. “The pear goes here for La. The pendent goes in the other for Tui.” You nod, knowing he’s going to ask you to find these two objects.

“Now, I do not mean to be a burden but will you please search for these artifacts? We would do it ourselves but we cannot leave this island for both Tui and La are sick.” Kesh said sincerely, waiting for your response. You nod with a smile on your face. Kesh nods back, leading you back out of the tunnel to where you first landed on the island. Your Otter Bear jumps into the water and you climb onto its back. Kesh smiles and gives you one last piece of advice; “The water serpent and Lion Turtle may know where these artifacts were last seen.” You nod, setting out to find the Water Serpent.

*at the Serpents Pass*

“You are back again. More troubled-looking than before young human. I am still in your debt, what troubles you?” The great Serpent asks, rising out of the water to greet you. You tell the Serpent of your task, asking if it has any news to add to this. The serpent seems to sigh, going back under water before coming up a short while after. “This is all I have to offer you…” It begins, giving you more advice. “The pearl you seek has been stolen but has been lost from the one who stole it. Now it is closer than you may think if you remember where you can find my egg. As for the pendent, the Lion Turtle will not be of help, go to the lands that are near the islands that hold the secret of the Lion Turtle and search.” With that the serpent dives again, bidding you good-bye.

*go to collect the pearl at the Abandoned Island/go near both lion turtle quest islands*

*after you go to the Abandoned Island*

As your Otter Bear swims to the Abandoned Island, you can’t help but think of all the poor creatures that were abandoned. Once arriving both you and your Otter Bear search for the pearl, finding it near the Serpent’s fake egg.

*after you go to the land near Earth Coin Island (the thing that's kinda like Florida, the Abandoned Island is on the other side and this is in the middle and the small chain is on the left side. That thick spot of blank land. A thing like the fox quest is in need, only after you get the map and go through all this and you can only click this spot.)*

You swam to edge of land that the Serpent had mentioned, searching for the pendent but your search is in vain- it isn’t here.

*after you go to land somewhat near lion turtle island in the fire nation (the land that's you'd normally click on to see creatures, it has a "search here for pendent" thing like the fox quest does but only after you get the map and go through all this)*

You remember what the Serpent said as you swim to the land that was near the one needed for the Lion Turtle. You arrive at a small cave and begin searching for the pendent.

*after you find the pendent and pearl*

Your Otter Bear swims swiftly back to the island of the Leiu Ieas people, guided by the full moon. Once you arrive at the island you both quickly climb on shore. Kesh greets you at the entrance to the Shrine, expressing his joy that you have found both artifacts.

Once down in the cavern, Kesh ushers you to the Pendent Shrine, helping place it carefully inside its slot. You do the same with the Pearl Shrine.

With both artifacts returned the cavern begins to glow a magnificent blue, illuminating the water where Tui and La swim. The Leiu Ieas people yell joyously, knowing the Moon and Ocean Gods are saved. Kesh quiets the men, leading you to the pool.

In front of you are the two koi and two eggs that resemble the koi. Kesh nods to you as you look at him. “You can have one. They would want you to as much as we do.” He said.

*you choose an egg*

As Kesh leads you out of the cavern and back to the water you carefully hold your egg tightly to your chest, your Otter Bear watching both of you as you walk. “Thank you again for everything. Tui and La are ever grateful as well.” Kesh says as you climb onto your Otter Bear’s back. The men around him continue to cheer, their Otter Bears adding to the noise as you make your way home, the full moon allowing you to return to the sea you know and love.

((bold star stuff is just so you can see where the next "steps" are easier.))

((Map For Help If You're Confused On The Stared Reference
Koi Quest Storyline contest. Dfaw5s
Black- part of the Fire Nation the Serpent references.
Red- part of the Earth Kingdom the Serpent references.
Light Green- Abandoned Island that Serpent makes slight hint about and that the Stared Steps tell of as well.))

Last edited by Dragonhatchling on Mon Oct 04, 2010 9:44 pm; edited 12 times in total

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:32 pm

Olook! Something longer than mine's! 8'D

Nice. ^^

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Rebsingh Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:37 pm

I like yours even more than the others >.>

One small problem though... (You would need not only the otter bear to complete this quest, but a dragon or flying bison.)

And what if the user hasn't done the Serpent quest or lion turtle quest?

Maybe you can touch it up a bit ^^

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Dragonhatchling Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:39 pm

Yeah I'm fixing it right now, i forgot what i wrote it... they won't really need to do any of the other quests though, they'll have the option to if they want too as they see the Serpent though.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:42 pm

I found mine's with the same problem about the Serpent's pass thing xD Well, I didn't give anything away I hope.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Dragonhatchling Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:47 pm

There, now it shouldn't give anything away unless someone sees this with the * stuff. Any better? I'll fix it up tomorrow when i can if something needs fixing (or if I think to add something, fix something) and technically, the Serpent thing, you could do both quests while looking for that pearl. so people will have to search, I had to search for that dang egg... drove me nutts too XD oh but I already was crazy.

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:52 pm

But then, we'll need the sky bison/dragon to get to the other islands though. O_o It would probably take a lot longer to get there by sea than by flight, so yeah...

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  Dragonhatchling Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:56 pm

What ever happened to just swimming to islands? *takes islands out* going to fix it again. But really, what happened to swimming? We can swim to the glacier thing... why not some random island?

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Koi Quest Storyline contest. Empty Re: Koi Quest Storyline contest.

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 03, 2010 10:58 pm

Iunno. .___. If we could, then the Otterbears would come in handy and we wouldn't need dragons/sky bisons to start the lion turtle quests in the first place xD But those who didn't do it wouldn't know where the islands are. ._.

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