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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 13 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Wed Dec 22, 2010 11:29 pm

Raizo had to run carefully through the viable options in his mind. He didn't want to simply dump Ren and Jie out on a street corner, particularly in the rain; but he didn't want to have to answer too many questions, either. At the end of it, the best choice seemed to be the sailors' inn. It wasn't anything special, since it was (as its name suggested) used primarily by sailors who were spending a day or two in port at most. But as long as Raizo left some silver behind, no one would bother Ren much or ask him questions.

He turned Seze in the direction of the harbor itself, and let her pick up speed. They were there in moments, a tall, rickety looking sea shack, weather-beaten and stained by the tide, but somehow defiantly solid in the torrential rain. The windows were cloudy and yellowed, the sort of dirty that seems permanent and irremovable. There was no name on the sign above the door, simply an image of an anchor. Certainly the sailors' inn was nothing fancy, but it was better than nothing.

Posts : 633
Join date : 2010-09-06
Age : 37
Location : Fire Nation

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 13 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Thu Dec 23, 2010 1:00 am

Ren was jostled in the basket once more as the "idiotic eel" (as he put it), gathered speed. He had no idea where they were headed, and didn't care much, so long as wherever he was being kicked into had food and shelter. Jie squealed a bit as he, too, was sliding across the basket floor, trying to hook his paws to stop himself. Cradling the platypus bear in his arms, he held him tight. He didn't dare to ask where they were going, despite his attitude. After all, a thief never stays in the same place, thought Ren.

Posts : 612
Join date : 2010-08-10
Location : In your kitchen, stealing your cookies. Hurhurhur.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 13 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Rosalie_Jade Tue Jan 04, 2011 1:55 pm

As soon as Kaori finished her share of cleaning up the shop, she ran home with Akio following over head. Puddles splashed as she treaded through the muddy grass towards the home she had lived in her entire life. Quickly, she decided to just climb through her window to reduce the chance of being stopped by her father or raise any suspicion. She lifted the window up and flipped into her room, landing on her desk and making a loud thud. She stopped and listened, but strangly neither of her parents seemed to hear her, so she slid off the desk and grabbed a small bag and shoved a pair of clothes and a small knife for defence into it. As quick as she could, Kaori wrote a small note on paper and set it on her pillow.

Akio had perched himself in a nearby tree that over looked the house before Kaori climbed in through the window. It was rather cold outside considering it had only just rained, so the Dragon Hawk was in need of drying off and warming up for his own health. Kaori hadn't thought about it because of the rushing until she was climbing back out her window and looked into the tree at her friend.

"Oh no. Uh come here." She called and Akio flew down and grabbed hold of her right forearm. Kaori rached into her bag and grabbed the shirt she stuffed in there and began drying the hawk. Since the window was still open, it was easy for her to reach in and grab a small rag off her desk. She used a ribbon that was next to it to tie the rag around Akio to keep him warm. "Do you think you are in good enough shape to fly up and show me which direction the Eel Hound and his keeper headed?" She asked while petting him on the head. The young hawk let out a little squack and flew off her arm he had used as a perch and circled around the house, getting higher and higher until he caught sight of Seze. He squacked once more and began to fly towards them. Immidiately Kaori began to run in the same direction.

Hiro hadn't yet finished his share of closing up and cleaning the shop yet, but noticed Kaori had ran off. He asked one of the other workers to do his share and handed him a few coins for the trouble before darting towards where he lived, towards Kaori. He had become really angry with her within the last hour and knew she couldn't be up to any good. Once he had reached home he didn't see her anywhere. Simply, he entered the front door to see his parents sleeping as usual and walked back to where his little sister's room was. He looked around for a second, not a sign of Kaori anywhere but it was obvious she had been there, even her window was still open. He shut it then saw in the windows reflection a small folded peice of paper resting on her pillow. He picked it up and read:

I'm going on a little adventure, I should be home within a day or two so don't worry about me. I need to do a little research on a new creature I have developed an interest for.

Hiro thought for a minute about what she meant and remembered how her eyes gleamed when she looked at the Royal's Eel Hound named Seze. He threw the paper back on her bed and went into his room to pack some necesities, including food, which Kaori had forgotten. Once fininished, he walked outside towards the side of the house where Kaori's window was. Since he had to shut it he assumed that his mischievious little sister had entered and exited through there. There, he found her foot prints and ran in the direction she had headed.

Posts : 92
Join date : 2010-09-06
Age : 30
Location : United States


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