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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:17 am

Ren nodded and with a last lingering look on Jie, heated up his hand, trying to control his fire to a small palm-sized flame. He began to lightly pass it over Seze, first doing her shoulders. "Are you a Firebender, too?" he muttered to Raizo.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:21 am

Toka stared at Raizo and those kids. Duh. I think ALL of us are firebenders. Toka thought.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:28 am

Raizo flushed, a little more deeply than from humility alone. "Yes," he answered, and was embarrassed when his voice came out just a little bit defensive. To divert focus, he looked over at Ren's progress, making sure he had the right idea.

"...be careful not to burn her," he mumbled, as Seze regarded Ren with suspicious dignity, as if silently warning him of the consequences for doing so. Raizo circled around the eel hound to work on her other side, so that no one would be able to see it as he tried to get a flame going. His first try fizzled out in a pitiful tuft of smoke above his palm. He flushed deeper. His second try, although not very impressive, at least managed to stay lit.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 10, 2010 12:31 am

Ren nodded, concentrating on his flame. He didn't really care if Raizo was one or not. He withdrew his hand a little as the flame went a little higher. He had no control on his fire, and if he concentrated on it, he could, but he knew it wouldn't last long. So he quickly (but still slowly) heated up Seze's flank and shoulder. He was now working on her abdomen. Little beads of sweat appeared on his forehead, but it wasn't visible.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Rosalie_Jade Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:56 am

Kaori smiled as the cub squealed back and wobbled it's way over to her. She sat on her bottom with her legs crossed and pulled Jie into her lap, petting her on the head softly. Once someone mentioned fire bending, again, she looked up and noticed that two of the people were warming up Seze. She watched them, and decided it would be best to keep her bending a secret for now, then continued to squeal with the Platypus bear cub playfully.

Hiro had gone back to work by stacking crates in their correct places and mending to the tarp when needed. He hadn't even noticed people were using fire bending in his own market stand until another worker pointed. He just looked over and watched for a couple seconds. Picking another crate up, he looked away and sighed. He hadn't been gifted with that bending ability, instead it was his younger sister, for that he always envied her.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:51 pm

Raizo focused on the task at hand, warming Seze's skin with loving attention. He tried not to peek around underneath her neck to see how Ren was doing, or to surreptitiously compare the strength and size of their flames, a competition that Ren would win, hands down, every time; he also tried not to let the notion of this bother him. After all, who really cared if the Crown Prince of the Fire Nation was an absolute joke of a Firebender?

Only everybody.

While he was brooding silently, a gradual change in the sound of precipitation on the tent overhead caught his attention, and Seze looked up at about the same time, the two of them realizing simultaneously that the hail wasn't pelting down now. The rain hadn't stopped, but at least they didn't run the risk of being concussed by what was falling from the sky anymore. It looked like they were free to continue on their way -- not that the prospect was still very exciting.

The flame in Raizo's hand extinguished (it barely had any life in it anyway), and he crossed around, ducking underneath Seze's head, and motioned for Ren to stop what he was doing, gather Jie and climb back up into the basket. Then he turned and bowed to Hiro, saluting him respectfully. "We'll be moving along now. Thank you again for your hospitality."

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:22 pm

Ren nodded gratefully at Raizo and made his little-bit-larger flame go out. He stared at it for a moment before calling to Jie, who happily, with a quick lick to Kaori's hand, jumped out of her lap and waddled to him. Ren picked him up and climbed the basket, looking at the girl with a straight face. His mind was still on his flame--he couldn't control the whole thing and that was what bothered him. He knew that one day, he would cause trouble for not being able to control his Firebending.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:51 pm

Ahh!! Kiki's chick!! Toka thought, as the hawk chick Kiki had picked out started to shiver with the cold. Then flames came out of her hands, so she used them to warm up the chick. Then, Yoshi jumped down into the basket to keep the chicks warm.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Rosalie_Jade Sun Oct 10, 2010 11:04 pm

Kaori sighed when the bear cub had to go, and watched as Ren jumped in the basket with it in his arms. It had been awhile since she had spent time with one of the species. The last time she had was when she ran away to the Earth Kingdom three years ago to try and find some greater medicine for her mother. Unfortunately, even the great city of Ba Sing Se didn't even have what she needed, so she returned home to a worried and angry family. She stood and brushed off her bottom, then looked at Hiro as he spoke to the prince, then the other workers.

"It was my pleasure, I hope that you weren't too uncomfortable with your short stay, if there is anything else you need don't hesitate to ask." He turned, "It looks like the rain isn't going to let up. You can all go home now, my sister and I will finish stacking the crates and shut down the shop." The workers nodded and put of their thick rain coats and began walking in the pouring rain to their homes.

Kaori made a complaining noise and Hiro shot her a mean look, "You and I need to talk." She knew he would wait until the others left, so she called Akio to her, he landed on her arm. She wanted to make sure he wouldn't freak when Seze moved.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Mon Oct 11, 2010 11:40 pm

Toka sighed. She peeked in the basket again, and softly smiled as a chick hatched, and waddled over to yoshi. She seemed to jump, as a wild lemur jumped on to the basket and schreaked. She then laughed, the lemur started to play with Kia.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Thu Oct 14, 2010 5:13 pm

By this point eager to leave the uncomfortable situation behind them, Raizo guided Seze out from underneath the tent. The eel hound lumbered to her feet in the rain, and Raizo could tell she was just barely resisting the urge to shake, so covered in mud and now rain again was she, from head to the tip of her serpentine tail. The two boys may have just given her a nice firebending rubdown, but then she was dragged right back out in the rain, so it must have seemed like some kind of cruel joke at this point.

"I'm sorry, Seze," he murmured to her, rubbing the side of her neck. "Don't worry, the rain won't last forever."

He swung himself back up to the saddle behind her shoulders, and then they were on their way again, leaving the too-friendly boy and his scornful sister behind. As they drew close to the section of the marketplace where the tea shop stood, the place where the entire misadventure began, Raizo looked over his shoulder and called back to the girls' basket. "Shi, which way to take you home?"

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Fri Oct 15, 2010 1:06 am

Toka took a deep breath, she was obviosly unhappy. They had been scrunched up in friggin baskets for half an hour.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Fri Oct 15, 2010 7:49 pm

Shi looked up. Did the prince ask her where her home was? The rain pounding on the baskets drowned out the question, so she had no idea. Raising her voice (and herself), she half-yelled, "Pardon me, but what did you say? The rain is kinda... uh, loud." She glanced at the girls in her basket. They seemed a little tired from the ride,a s they were stuck in a basket for half an hour (at least, or it felt like it).

Ren sat quietly in his basket, thinking. Once Shi was safely delivered to her house, what of him? Especially in this rain. He had no home, and he was sure he wouldn't find shelter without catching a cold, first. And there was Jie to think about, too. The cub's appetite had grown steadily, even before the palace fiasco. He would soon be crying a little for food, and the gods knew Ren couldn't steal when he was wet.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Sat Oct 16, 2010 12:03 am

Kiki stared up at the sky. It seemed like her sister was unhappy. Toka was almost never unhappy...

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Rosalie_Jade Sun Oct 24, 2010 11:15 am

Kaori quickly got to work on closing up the shop when the strangers left so that she could run home and pack a few things to follow them. She wanted to know why someone from the royal family was out without and guards, and she needed to learn more about Seze. Hiro grabbed her by the arm when she turned from him, "Why do you always have to be so rude?"

She glared at him and pulled away, "Why do you always have to act like you're about to pee your pants when rich people come around?" Lifting a crate, she walked over to where her hawk had landed when he flew off her arm because of the grabbing from Hiro. She sat it down on top of another crate and petted Akio on the head softly.

"I do not act like that!" Hiro's face was red and he knew he did act funny, but didn't ever want to lose an argument with Kaori.

"Yeah I'm sure that's why he was completely freaked out when you were being overly-nice to him. I bet he thinks you're gay." She laughed and watched as her brother stomped around and mumbled angrily to himself.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:21 am

Raizo shook his head to get the water out of his ears, sending even more droplets flying everywhere and doing absolutely nothing to dry himself in the downpour. He swiveled around in the saddle, calling back toward Shi above the rain. "I said, where do we go from here?" The sooner he got everyone home safe and out of the rain, the better.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sat Oct 30, 2010 3:57 am

SHi barely heard the words, but was glad to hear something, at least. She carefully lifted herself on her toes, getting as near to Raizo as possible so he could hear her. The rain had matted her hair to her head, and she swatted a few strands away in annoyance as she pulled them over to one side.

"Just go turn to the left, then go straight. There should be that market place we met in, then god straight and turn right. Keep going until you see a red mansion," she yelled back, unsure if she could be heard or not.

Ren had no trouble being calm. The downpour was soothing against the basket and he couldn't hear Shi or Raizo.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Sat Oct 30, 2010 10:41 pm

Raizo nodded; he'd caught it, thankfully, and urged Seze onward, allowing her to pick up the pace. The torrential downpour had driven just about everyone indoors, and even the most tenacious vendors were giving up, so the giant eel hound could trot through the slick and muddy streets without knocking over wayward pedestrians.

They passed by the tea shop, and Raizo reflected on how he would never have envisioned anything that had happened since he sat down for lunch with Ren, if he'd thought about it at the time. It was hard to believe that everything had taken place only in the past 12 or 14 hours. They had all gone to unusual lengths, but they were all still pretty much strangers to each other. Would they ever see each other again after today?

Then his wondering was over, because the red mansion was looming into view in the distance. Raizo wasn't familiar with every wealthy or noble family in the city, but clearly this family was doing well for itself. Seze trotted towards it, and finally came to a stop outside the gate; she lowered herself to the ground again, and Raizo hopped down from her back to assist Shi down from the basket, his boots splashing in the mud.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Cattious Sun Oct 31, 2010 1:47 am

Kiki and toka got off, Toka carring her basket, but kiki told Kia to stay in this wooden box.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Oct 31, 2010 3:36 pm

As the red mansion loomed closer and closer at an amazing speed (thanks to the eel hound), a grimace appeared on Shi's face, but she quickly wiped it off. She wondered why she bothered to drag two young girls into the same predicament as herself, knowing they'd only turn out to be doubles of her. At last, the great eel hound came to a stop, jolting the dancer out of her thoughts and turned her head just in time to see Toka and Kiki jump out of the basket. She followed suit, climbing over the basket with difficulty, since silken dresses (Especially silken dresses with a lot of other stuff) weren't stretchable. It was a miracle she landed on her feet instead of on her side.

Now that she was in the pounding rain, she couldn't even hear her thoughts, but she insisted herself to go an apologize and thank the Prince for his kindness. So before she could go into the mansion with the girls, she ran to the side of Seze, almost slipping on the wet ground. She avoided touching the steed, for fear of being bitten or hurt. Knocking her head back to see the prince, she yelled, "Thank you for you hospitality, sir," and bowed low, as she would to a guest of her mansion. She stayed that way for about a minute, then darted back to shelter, beckoning to Toka and Kiki as she hurriedly waltzed into the mansion.

The mistress bore down on her almost instantly, screaming about how furious she was from the dancer's absence. Mistress didn't take notice of the two other girls. Soon, the landlord came to aid his wife in the screaming. It ended in Shi's sentence of twenty thrashings. But all the while, Shi wondered if she'd be able to see the two boys again, and if she could ever escape from this horrible life.

Ren knew Shi was leaving soon, for when he looked up, a mansion came into view. And who would live in the mansion besides a girl of silken clothing? He didn't bother raising himself to shout goodbye--after all, he hardly knew her, and she did steal his precious Jie. The platypus bear was still in his lap, but Ren knew he was still awake. He was wondering when it would be his turn to go home, but remembered that he had no home to return to. Maybe ig I stay quiet enough, I can ride along into Raizo's palace. I could steal the buns there and live off, but then... I'd be caught and off with my head, he thought, sighing. Jie pricked his ears at the sigh, but the thief rubbed his furry head.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Sat Nov 06, 2010 11:30 pm

Raizo was surprised. He was about to walk the girls up to the house, make a brief appearance and politely explain the reason for their absence, but Shi seemed just as eager to get rid of him as they all were to get out of the rain. So he shrugged, mounted Seze again, and called back over his shoulder to Ren as he guided Seze up and away from the manor.

"What about you?"

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:40 am

Ren swore softly, the rain drumming his words away as he slowly turned to face Raizo, his face blank. He tried to be calm and careless.

"Oh, well, I don't know. You can drop us off whenever, or wherever," he said loudly. He hesitated before adding, "I don't really have a place, you see." Jie was on his feet, walking around the basket and Ren watched as the bear cub waddled around in the wet floor, occasionally shaking water from his head.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Mineya Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:44 am

Raizo nodded, anticipating as much. He didn't answer; instead he simply turned around and focused on navigating the deserted streets of Harbor City, silent and deep in thought.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Nov 07, 2010 2:49 am

Ren wondered when and where Raizo would kick him off. The faster the better, he thought with misery; it wasn't like him to use other people like this, without a word, without getting close to the person. A little effort and he would call it a masterpiece. He stared at Jie as the cub sat down in a dark corner and curled up. The jolting of the journey kept causing Jie to lift his head, expecting the usual blows and yells from the marketplace--Ren had always ended up being yelled at for something or another. But as the rain drummed steadily on the basket (and on Seze, no doubt), Ren began to think about his past, why he had become like this, and why he'd rather become like this instead of something else. But the rain didn't help. He simply shrugged and observed his little companion, occasionally flicking a grin across his face.

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Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ] - Page 12 Empty Re: Year of the Dragon [ Second Gen ]

Post  Elena Sun Nov 28, 2010 8:20 pm

Anyone would have been able to tell by looking at her that Ursula was deep in thought. She had been pacing slowly back and forth in the palace gallery practically non-sop since she had discovered that Raizo didn't plan on coming home. It's not that she was too particularly upset at him or anything; she just needed time to figure everything out. Unfortunately, there wasn't anything much better to do with her time anyway, with the weather as bad as it was.

Finally deciding to take a break from her monotonous pacing, Ursula sat, back to the wall, between two of the large portraits and let out a quiet sigh. She was torn between tagging along with him and trying to brig him back. On one hand, there's a potentially amazing adventure, with loads to see and discover, and even some danger to make it exciting; and on the other hand, there are two loving parents who may be worried out of their minds if one or both of their children just vanished one day. Ursula didn't plan on telling her parents what was going on either way, but she wasn't heartless. She highly doubted that, if she left with Raizo, they would be back anytime soon.

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