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Sort your Creatures

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Sort your Creatures Empty Sort your Creatures

Post  Seph Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:14 pm

Yeah it would be nice if we could sort our creatures after age (stage of growing), element, alphabetical for species and names and of course a custom sort.

That way it will be easier for users to keep track of their things especially when more and more creatures come out. ^^

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Sort your Creatures Empty Re: Sort your Creatures

Post  user560 Wed Sep 08, 2010 1:46 pm

Yea, i would sort my creatures by element ^^

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Sort your Creatures Empty Re: Sort your Creatures

Post  Rebsingh Wed Sep 08, 2010 4:14 pm

On the account settings island, you can sort them out o.O Did you not know? XD I can add sort by element later, not now. XD

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Sort your Creatures Empty Re: Sort your Creatures

Post  user560 Thu Sep 09, 2010 1:07 am

I did know that you can sort your creatures but i never tried it xD

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Sort your Creatures Empty Re: Sort your Creatures

Post  Seph Thu Sep 09, 2010 4:24 am

I tried it but nothing gave me the desired result. xD

Since alphabetically or by code seems to be almost always in them. I just want a custom sort since my toucan puffins shall be on top and not the platybus bear. Yes I know that p comes before t but I want to sort them this way.
Also you flying lemurs are eggs and should not come to the top of my zoo either. So a eggs to top/bottom anyone?

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Sort your Creatures Empty Re: Sort your Creatures

Post  Rebsingh Thu Sep 09, 2010 7:40 am

Seph wrote:I tried it but nothing gave me the desired result. xD

Since alphabetically or by code seems to be almost always in them. I just want a custom sort since my toucan puffins shall be on top and not the platybus bear. Yes I know that p comes before t but I want to sort them this way.
Also you flying lemurs are eggs and should not come to the top of my zoo either. So a eggs to top/bottom anyone?

The eggs are there b/c it sorts by species then stage. F comes before all others and you have no other lemurs.

Posts : 1585
Join date : 2010-08-04
Age : 28
Location : Destroying Toes


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