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Avadopts Rating

Wind Dragon Rider
10 posters

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So, what do you rate Avadopts from 1-10, 1 being worst, and 10 being highest?

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Total Votes : 26
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Avadopts Rating Empty Avadopts Rating

Post  Rebsingh Mon Jan 24, 2011 8:14 am

DTC told me to do this... and I said no. XD But I thought about it and I want to know how you guys feel about the site now. I'll put this same poll up in the near future after a few feature releases. Smile Don't be scared of me! XD

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Post  MadameRed Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:34 am

Well, what is worst and highest in regards to? How pleased we are with the site? The site's progress? How we feel about the quality of the site? Or just an overall rating?

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Post  DragonTamerChris Mon Jan 24, 2011 4:54 pm

MadameRed wrote:Well, what is worst and highest in regards to? How pleased we are with the site? The site's progress? How we feel about the quality of the site? Or just an overall rating?

It's an overall rating.

Here is how I rated it:

2/2: Most of the adopts here are wonderful, they are beautifully shaded and just in general, well made.

CSS and digital art:
1.6/2: The CSS here is really nice, the digital art is also great, but some of the digital art is from the show and is a bit strange.

All other art:
2/2: The other art on this site is wonderful, greatly shaded and looks good on the site.

1.8/2: There are quite a lot of features on the site such as the trading post and exploring but sometimes I feel avadopts can be more fun at times.

1/2: This is my biggest concern for avadopts, some parts of Avadopts are a bit unorganized. Examples are how in quests you wouldn't really know that they are there unless you happen to find them or look at the forums. There are also quite a bit of glitches on the site-of course there would be glitches because it's a new site. The last thing that made me give Avadopts a low rating in this category is some things seem like a direct (or somewhat direct) copy of DC. Such as the online list is the same way DC displays the online list or how you grab eggs in the different places with descriptions that are somewhat similar to DC descriptions.

Overall, it got a 8.4/10 rating from me which I rounded down to 8.

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Post  PhazonDragon Mon Jan 24, 2011 10:20 pm


Why? Give me a bit to explain myself.

There's so much potential for this site, never mind the fact that it looks like a copy of DC. Instead of letting that trolling' comment get you down, make changes so that Avadopts isn't like DC. Make it stand out in the crowd of new adoptable sites that are popping up everywhere. I can't tell you how many adoptable sites I've seen... And each one looks like the other.

This one stands out because of it's unique website and beautiful artwork. I must say, Rebs is fairly lucky to have good sprites and artists on his staff, otherwise this could have been in the trash a while ago. That's one of the main things that I look for in an adoptables site. The artwork. If I don't like it, I'm not going to spend my time collecting little pieces of... whatever that someone threw together in five seconds on Paint. That's not appealing to me. The sprites here are quality, for the most part. Save for the ones that could use a bit of work (I'm not going to point out any in public to make sure I don't step on any toes), and the ones that probably should have been finished before being released (-coughlionturtlecough-).

But DTC brings up a good point. The organization is sorely lacking. It's hard to tell what is a quest, and where you can find it. I only found my quests because I was lurking on the forums. And when I joined, I didn't even know you could do quests until I saw people asking about them on the forums. I know there are a few suggestions in the Staff section about this, so I won't go too in depth, but that point stands.

And let me just say, this is a tentative rating, at this point in time. There are a lot of things in the works that I'm liking, along with more creatures that I can't wait to see released. Avadopts has a lot of potential, and I feel that if we keep steadily working on it, we can take it up to the top.

Also, let me get in here before all the comments about Dragon Cave and Avadopts pop up. I'm not a mod, but it bugs me every time I see the comment 'Avadopts is so much better than DC!" or "Avadopts ripped off of DC!" or anything along those lines... Guys, put it to rest. So what? That's like me saying one user ripped off of another just because they have Sokka as their avatar. If you keep comparing yourself to Dragon Cave, then I doubt you'll ever break away from it, and become your own original adoptable site. Then all the comments of Avadopts copying DC are going to be true.

And that's my two cents. I feel like I have more to say, but I can't think of it. But anyway, please don't take this as a direct insult. This is my opinion. I like Avadopts. If I didn't like it, would I be here, as an Advisor, offering my opinion and crits about suggestions, sprites, etc? Probably not.

Plus, there's room for improvement, so don't look at 7/10 as a bad rating. Look at it as a chance to improve the site to bring the grade up.

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Post  Rebsingh Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:03 pm

PhazonDragon wrote:7/10.

Why? Give me a bit to explain myself. Not gonna quote the whole thing lol
Phazzy, thank you so much for this. This is the type of review that helps me look for and fix what's wrong in the site. I appreciate it. Smile

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Post  PhazonDragon Mon Jan 24, 2011 11:57 pm

Rebsingh wrote:
PhazonDragon wrote:7/10.

Why? Give me a bit to explain myself. Not gonna quote the whole thing lol
Phazzy, thank you so much for this. This is the type of review that helps me look for and fix what's wrong in the site. I appreciate it. :)
:3 No problem, Rebs. I know how hard it is to improve when no one will tell you what to improve on.

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Avadopts Rating Empty Re: Avadopts Rating

Post  Wind Dragon Rider Tue Jan 25, 2011 11:42 am

This site is fun and unique, (I won't list all the difference between dragon cave and Avadopts!), but like other have said it needs more organization, I can't put my finger one where but it needs it. It also seems like it needs to be more. . . settled.
One thing that would help is if Avadopts park got upgraded. Right now you have frozen, dead, alive, and fogged eggs and younglings all in the same spot. Also adults don't get removed very fast. I have found adults in with the younglings and eggs in with the youngliens. Some days when I go to avadopts park all I do is remove the adults.
I also think the word youngling should be used for the creatures that don't come from eggs. It is just a small change, but it would make the site seem more smart.

Last edited by Wind Dragon Rider on Wed Jan 26, 2011 1:44 pm; edited 1 time in total

Wind Dragon Rider

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Post  Magickoi Tue Jan 25, 2011 8:39 pm

... I'm expecting an angry riot chasing me, since I voted a 6. I consider 6 pretty good, actually. :p

Artwork is just awesome. I haven't seen a site with that kind of work. Great shading, and outlines. Creativity was nice, too. Using avatar the last airbender, a popular show, to create an adoptable site? Win. Very Happy There are a lot of other things that make this game seem more life-like as well. As for the organization, I can see things happening... but I didn't take it too far. You're now able to organize creatures with zones, and quests are all that's left to organize. All that struck the rating down was that this site is still new. In fact, there are so many ideas all at once... it takes time for them to blend in with the game. (ex. the plushies, I give it time for the battle dome to settle in and become popular. Then they'll seem more of a prize and not out of the ordinary). I don't know how to explain it... but basically I'm waiting for all the features of avadopts to become more popular and useful, so imagine the battledome connecting to game play a bit more, to connect to the avatar realm. Yeah, it's confusing to explain.

I love this site, and I'm a hard to please rater. Don't take it seriously, keep up the great work. ☺️

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Post  goldenshibby Wed Jan 26, 2011 11:25 pm

I lurve it.


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Post  miggyrox789 Thu Jan 27, 2011 10:41 am

Some people may call me a tad bit generous, giving it a 10/10. But...
Avadopts is my favorite site. Its the only one I didn't create on my own that I am artist for. And the admin pwns. Like, seriously.
As Avadopts continues to grow, I pray to still be latched onto it like I am now. Favorite site and admin EVER.

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Post  Mirounga Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:28 pm

Is this for the forum or main site? confused

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Post  DragonTamerChris Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:35 pm

Mirounga wrote:Is this for the forum or main site? confused

"But I thought about it and I want to know how you guys feel about the site now."

It's the main site. o.O


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Post  Mirounga Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:48 pm

I gave it a nine out of ten because almost nothing can get improved. But there seems to be something missing maybe some entertainment. (battles with creatures) and maybe some more click sites.(maybe a mix with DC because everybody goes to DC click sites and they might click on the avadopts creatires too)
But everything else is ok. My favourite part of avadopts is the map and how you click on the different nations to get different creatures.
Anyways great job with the site, its beautiful.
Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Avadopts Rating Blank_star

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Post  Rebsingh Thu Jan 27, 2011 5:56 pm

Mirounga wrote:I gave it a nine out of ten because almost nothing can get improved. But there seems to be something missing maybe some entertainment. (battles with creatures) and maybe some more click sites.(maybe a mix with DC because everybody goes to DC click sites and they might click on the avadopts creatires too)
But everything else is ok. My favourite part of avadopts is the map and how you click on the different nations to get different creatures.
Anyways great job with the site, its beautiful.
Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Like a Star @ heaven Avadopts Rating Blank_star
A battledome is coming and fansites have nothing to do with the main site. o.o The admin shouldn't really make a fan site, after all, it is a fan site. XD

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Post  Jairo M Sun Feb 06, 2011 2:12 pm

Well... I consider it a 10...
Jairo M
Jairo M

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