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Feline Or Human?

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Feline Or Human? Empty Feline Or Human?

Post  Isisnight Sun Jan 02, 2011 5:07 pm

Welcome To Feline Or Human, an Avatar: The Last Airbender RPG!

Timeline: Earth, post the city of walls and secrets but ignoring Jet's capture.


Aang, Toph, Sokka, and Katara came to Ba Sing Se to search for Appa and gain the Eart King's support. Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee came to bring aout the fall of Ba Sing Se. Zuko and Iroh came for a new beginning. Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot did as well. Its supposed to be easy to stay out of trouble, well that is anything but true for them.

The Dai Li are upset, there has been to much trouble in Ba Sing Se lately, everyone bringing it in there own way. Brainwashing the avatar and crown princess and there friends would not go un-noticed so they come up with another way to deal with the troublemakers, they turn them in to cats.

First they do Aang, Katara, and Sokka, grabbing them while in a street at night and injecting a solution in there veins. When the three wake up that find that they have gone through some changes, they are now cats.

The Dai Li wait about a week to be 100% sure that it worked before doing the same to Toph, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Zuko, Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot. They do not bother with Iroh, after all, he is just an old man, how much trouble could he cause?
At first everyone is horrified, it seems like they will be stuck as cats forever. Then Yue comes to Aang in a dream, telling him that everyone will turn back if they find a secret chamber in the Sourthern Air Temple and appease the spirit that lives there. But there is just one problem, the Southern Air Temple is halfway around the world, they will eather have to travel through half of the Earth kingdom and the south pole of the other half of the Earth Kingdom and the Fire Nation to reach the island it resides on, not to mention that they would have to climb a mountian to reach the temple once they get there.

Aang, Toph, Sokka, Katara, Zuko, Azula, Mai, Ty Lee, Jet, Smellerbee, and Longshot will have to go on a deadly journy half-way around the world with both friends and people they hate if they want to be human again. It is bound to be a wild ride.

[*] Be respectful.
[*] I don't care how long you're posts are, this is about having fun.
[*] Please use proper spelling and grammar.
[*] No perfect characters.
[*] You can not have two of you're own characters fall in love.
[*] Yes, Momo and Appa are playable characters.
[*] You can only have two canon characters, however you can have as many original characters as you want.

TAKEN Canons:
All living canon characters not on this list are avalible, these are TAKEN charaters.
Azula, taken by Isisnight
Katara, taken by Isisnight

Original Human Characters:
My Characters:

Original Feline Characters:
My Characters:

Original Human Character Form:
Name- Age- Gender- Brief description- What kingdom/nation/tribe do they belong to?- Are they a bender?- Pro-Fire Nation or anti- Fire Nation?

Original Feline Character Form:
Name- Age- Gender- Brief description

Canon Character Form:
Character Name- Why do you want this character?


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-01-02

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  ChuChu Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:13 am

Appa- Because he's my favorite character. And he's fwuffy.

Crystal-5 and a half months- Female- Gray, short-furred cat with stripes and blue eyes.

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-11-07
Age : 26

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  Isisnight Mon Jan 03, 2011 12:17 am

Accepted! Now to force more people to join us so we may begin our plot..... -cough- Bunnies!


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-01-02

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  ChuChu Thu Jan 06, 2011 10:24 pm

I don't think anyone's gonna join D:

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-11-07
Age : 26

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  Isisnight Thu Jan 06, 2011 11:25 pm

They will, we just have to wait, hope, and possibly write a hit fanfic about it.


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-01-02

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  ChuChu Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:27 am

I hope so XP Maybe I should put a link in my siggy.

Posts : 127
Join date : 2010-11-07
Age : 26

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  Diloporaptor Sat Jan 15, 2011 1:27 am

Age-13(in cat years
Brief description-a Savanna that lives cofotably at his hone


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Join date : 2011-01-11

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Feline Or Human? Empty Re: Feline Or Human?

Post  Isisnight Sat Jan 15, 2011 2:36 am

Accepted! Very Happy


Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-01-02

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