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quest help

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quest help  Empty quest help

Post  Zerachiel Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:41 pm

alright i am a major noob here and have been trying to figure this one quest that i have out for a while.

i bought a map thinking it would open up more area's for better mobs (i keep seeing the same 3 in each area getting kinda boring) but all it did was make a small part of the water tribe clickable but when you do it just says you look out towards the earth kingdom and wonder whats on the ice berg.. it tells you nothing more on what to do and it's getting quiet irritating that there is no hint on what do to next.

i managed to figure out the library fox one..but only because i looked in here and saw people posting about it.

but suggestion to help this site would be a better faq section about how things work..and also in the black market the ability to see what your buying before you do..


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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  DragonTamerChris Thu Jan 06, 2011 6:46 pm

Well it seems like this thread is a mixture between a help and a suggestion one.

Well I'll answer the suggestions first:
-We are currently working on a quest guide right now.
-I think that would be pretty cool if we have a little JavaScript thing that showed the name of the item and what it did.

The iceberg quest you need an otter bear to do.

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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  Zerachiel Fri Jan 07, 2011 1:21 am

how do i get an otter bear? at least from the map i always seem to only ever see the same three in each land.. it's rare to find any other creature


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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  DragonTamerChris Fri Jan 07, 2011 8:44 am

Zerachiel wrote:how do i get an otter bear? at least from the map i always seem to only ever see the same three in each land.. it's rare to find any other creature

Well if you don't see them in the map try to find them in the black market.

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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  Zerachiel Fri Jan 07, 2011 3:17 pm

i'm sorry to say that takes money and time which i don't really have time to spend trying to get..


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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  DragonTamerChris Fri Jan 07, 2011 4:33 pm

Zerachiel wrote:i'm sorry to say that takes money and time which i don't really have time to spend trying to get..

It's really easy to get like 40,000 GP in a few minutes, just use snaplinks and go to a zoo with a lot of creatures in it. o.O

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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  Mineya Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:27 am

Otter bears are one of the four starter creatures, which can only be acquired through the Black Market or by trading with someone else. Both of these options require GP. If you don't have the time to actually play the game, you won't get the rewards. That's pretty straightforward.

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quest help  Empty Re: quest help

Post  KonayukiSpirit Sun Jan 09, 2011 2:35 am

Zerachiel wrote:i'm sorry to say that takes money and time which i don't really have time to spend trying to get..

Then I suggest giving up on the quest. :')

That's one of the options you have.

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